The Movie Bucket List (MBL) Podcast
Inspired by watching Chris spend hours looking for a movie to watch, Pam bought the book 1001 MOVIES YOU MUST SEE BEFORE YOU DIE (ed. Steven Schneider). From that book, they created their Movie Bucket List. Now their date-night-in is spent watching a movie from that list and bringing their thoughts to you: plot, characters, actors, favorite quotes, historical background, film theory, literary elements, or sometimes just the parts they like best. Most importantly, they discuss whether the movie should be included in the book (and your movie bucket list!) At the end of every episode, they reveal the next movie so that you, too, can finish your own movie bucket list (or at least just watch the movie first since they will discuss spoilers!) Follow on all social media @themblpodcast
The Movie Bucket List (MBL) Podcast
Ghostbusters (1984) #35
Season 1
Episode 46
It's our HALLOWEEN EPISODE! Who you gonna call?? Ghostbusters!!
So many wonderful things to celebrate at The Movie Bucket List Podcast. Our Halloween Episode covers Ghostbusters (1984). This is also marks the one year anniversary of the MBL Podcast, and the end of Season 1. We begin Season 2 with the newest 2020 edition of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. So enjoy our season finale and hope to "see" you again for Season 2!!
Don't forget to follow us across all social media @themblepodcast (and check out the 'gram for a picture of Ron Jeremy as an extra on Ghostbusters).